Friday, January 18, 2008

Time Heals All Wounds

My friend Steve died when I was in Israel in 1995 (from his drinking) and when I was unjustly deported I ended up returning to Toledo and lived with his mother, Doris, my "adopted" mother, in her big house in the city since her other son is in prison (whose birthday is today and mine was last week - same age) and her West Virginia family was concerned about her living here alone and it helped us both out (helping her with her rental properties and painting and mowing, driving - since she had scleroderma - etc.)... Doris died this past Dec. 24th within an hour after her sister (up from WV) and I got her home from a week's stay in the hospital (!) and I found she had saved this postcard I sent her when Steve died (he died in June, a few days after his 32nd birthday)...

Postcard to Doris Gwinn (Steve's Mom in Toledo, Ohio) from Jerusalem:
A Red sea
A Med. sea
And a Dead sea
This you've got to see

Aug. 21, '95

Dearest Doris,

Shalom! Thank you for writing. It was great to hear from you. I understand how difficult it must be without Steve around. "Time heals all wounds" takes time. It will get better. I hope your Fla. trip helped to refresh you. Thanks a billion for getting those books to Leslie & her mom. I'm praying to get some $ to self-publish it here. So many people from around the world I've met here want it. In God's good time... I'm busy here in political/religious demonstrations - things are heating up. Today was the terrorist attack against the bus. I'd love to visit. I miss gabbing with you & seeing my family. Love ya, David