Matthew Ellard wrote:
David Ben-Ariel wrote:Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals,
I'm concerned
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Pearly Gates
"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the Earth" - Matthew 5:5
The New Jerusalem is coming down to EARTH - we don't go to Heaven!
Watch Pearly Gates and read these articles and expect to be SURPRISED!
Born Again and Heaven and Hell
Kingdom of God-Beings to Rule Earth from Jerusalem!
Do You Prefer TRADITION Over Truth?
Monday, February 23, 2009
Friday, February 20, 2009
A Nation of Drunks and Whores
We’ve been living a lie and have loved to indulge in deception. “Don’t confuse me with the facts” has been our shameful attitude, and truth has been treated like some social outcast. Therefore, God threatens to use Europe to wake us up...
Since we’re A NATION LIVING IN SIN—Jacob disowns us, Abraham doesn’t recognize us, and Isaac mourns our mixed marriages (Isa. 63:16). Israel’s birthmark was obedience to God (Gen. 18:19)...
There are spiritual factors behind our economic crisis! It’s in our best national interest to obey God and invest some time in personal Bible study.
But instead of developing our relationship with God and staying sober and celibate, we’ve whored around and given birth to pagans (Hos. 5:7). That’s why God can’t accept us as His National Priest since our lifestyle choice misrepresents Him! God doesn’t want any part in our perversion. Since we’ve denied His natural order of things, He won’t recognize our illegitimate children! He hasn’t fathered them (Hos. 4:6).
God says we haven’t been humble and obedient like Abraham—the Father of the faithful—but are “…a rebellious people, lying children, children who will not hear the law of the LORD…” and don’t want anything to do with the truth. We don’t want to be shown where we’re wrong, and we don’t want to hear about it (Isa. 30:9-11). “So you shall say to them, ‘This is a nation that does not obey the voice of the LORD their God nor receive correction” (Jer. 7:28). We’ve orphaned ourselves and act like bastards!
Instead of becoming a model-nation we’ve become a STRIPPER! We’ve taken all the fine things that God’s given us and laid them out before foreigners (Hos. 2:1-13). We’ve squandered our time and energy in pagan ways and heathen practices. Therefore, God’s going to STRIP AWAY OUR PEACE AND PROSPERITY! We’re going to be left exposed to the elements and stripped bare before NAKED AGGRESSION! Since we refuse to return to God, we’ll be sent back into SLAVERY!
We’re a nation of DRUNKS AND WHORES—so God’s going to let us hit bottom so hard it’ll appear we’ll never bounce back! God’s no longer going to enable us to carry on in our ways, drinking ourselves to death and dying for sex. We’ve gone from bad to worse: “You have stricken them, but they have not grieved You have consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction. They have made their faces harder than rock they have refused to return” (Jer. 5:3)...
We’ve left God’s ways, throughout history, to follow men’s ideas. We’d lose our love for the truth and become enamored with error. Due to this spiritual insult and breach of contract, God would send a number of eviction notices. He’d cite us for breaking our lease and inform us we’d worn out our welcome. But we’d rip us those notices and abuse those who delivered them: “And the LORD has sent to you all His servants the prophets, rising early and sending them [far in advance], but you have not listened nor inclined your ear to hear. They said, ‘Repent now every one of his evil way and his evil doings, and dwell in the land that the LORD has given to you and your fathers forever and ever” (Jer. 25:4-5).
We didn’t want to be reminded that God had set us free from men to serve Him. We could only call the Holy Land home as long as we remained holy! There were clauses that if we failed to make repairs and keep the place clean, we could forfeit our biblical right to the land and be DISINHERITED (Jer. 17:4)...
As we go further into NATIONAL DEBT AND DISGRACE, instead of turning to God for divine assistance, we turn to foreigners for loans! But it’ll be our downfall! Will Europe or Saudi Arabia offer to bail us out? Japan or China keep us afloat? Or will they forcibly put us into receivership? Throw us into debtor’s jail? Require FORCED LABOR? Who hasn’t heard of loan sharks (Hos. 7:11-12)? Or how they fly into a frenzy over blood money? They won’t just break our bones—they’ll BOMB OUR CITIES (Ezek. 6:6)...
Ancient Israel fell prey to every con-artist (painting pretty pictures of peace), passing phase or new fad—drunk on the ecumenical spirits. Yes, “…they have erred through wine, and through intoxicating drink are out of the way: the priest and the prophet have erred through intoxicating drink, they are swallowed up by wine, they are out of [their wits and gone astray] through intoxicating drink they [can’t see or think straight], they stumble in judgment [they can’t even walk a straight line]. For all tables are full of vomit and filth no place is clean” (Isa. 28:7-8).
The party’s over, the place is trashed, and everybody’s going to wake up with a HORRIBLE HANG-OVER!
It’s interesting to note that, during my days as a lowly kibbutz-volunteer, the British were notorious for being drunks. They had earned such a bad reputation that some kibbutzim and moshavim wouldn’t accept any English volunteers. God condemns the Sceptered Isle for being SPIRITUAL DRUNKS! He castigates “…the crown of pride, the drunkards of Ephraim” (Isa. 28:1-3). Of course, we’ve all been a bunch of drunks and whores, in love with Babylonian babes and brew: “Harlotry, wine, and new wine enslave the heart… For the spirit of [promiscuity] has caused them to stray [from the truth], and they have [whored around] against their God”(Hos. 4:11-12). What nation hasn’t had one too many Catholic concoctions (Rev. 17:2)? It’s past time to GET SOBER!
-Excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall - Chapter 4 - Victims of Tradition
Drunks and Whores (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Truth be told
Re: A Household Word?
David Ben-Ariel » Wed Feb 18, 2009 7:44 pm
I don't need any kiss from Judas. He was "concerned" for the poor too.
You admit to being an intravenous drug user
I have no problem acknowledging I'm a FORMER drug addict. If I did, I certainly wouldn't have frankly discussed it in my article, Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
You admit to being a homosexual who has full blow AIDS
I confess I'm a RECOVERING homosexual who has AIDS. Apparently my honesty is too much for some, as it blows away those who are used to living a lie and being dishonest with themselves and others.
God and the Gays
Scarlet Letter: A Christian With AIDS
Does God Heal Today?
You are now slagging off Catholics for "spiritually" doing what you actually did.
Yes, what I actually did but don't do any more. The good news is that I'm proof that REPENTANCE is possible, that folks don't have to remain drunks and whores or stuck in the muck of Babylon. Isn't it wonderful how I can relate to so many people from all walks of life?
"A Household Word" (David Ben-Ariel YouTube video)
A Household Word
The general public doesn't have a clue about the Gospel or the Ezekiel Warning Message! That woeful ignorance indicts the Church of God, since God says, "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And that same God warns about our responsibility to sound the alarm so British-Israelites and Jews, and repentant Gentiles, can seek shelter in Him and avert the imminent nuclear Holocaust.
A little known blogger
PCG: Carrying on "Business as Usual"
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
A German-led Europe will strike nuclear terror against US! National destruction, defeat and deportation are on the way! The American, British and Jewish peoples are marked for death!
Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?
Monday, February 16, 2009
Beyond Babylon is PRICELESS!
Beyond Babylon is available to read for FREE
by David Ben-Ariel on Mon, 2009-02-16
I could understand being "uncomfortable" if I were merely trying to sell Beyond Babylon, but the GOOD NEWS is that I make it freely available for one and for all:
Beyond Babylon (free to read on blog)
Beyond Babylon (free to read online)
Sunday, February 15, 2009
"Drunks and Whores"
Drunks and Whores
Many professing Christians remain in denial that traditional Catholics and Protestants are spiritual drunks and whores (intoxicated by Catholic concoctions), drug addicts (under the heavy influence of Rome); traditional Christians and Catholics are spiritual practicing homosexuals, REPROBATES having a perverse spiritual preference for tradition over truth, for abominable baptized paganism, counterfeit Christian holidays they've accepted (following Constantine, not Jesus Christ), falling for accursed Rome's replacement theology that would replace the biblical Sabbath and holy days and dietary laws (we are commanded to keep) with their idolatrous traditions and unclean doctrines of demons...
Watch the Drunks and Whores video and read these articles:
Friday, February 13, 2009
Israel and India
Two newspaper executives were arrested yesterday on charges of "intent to outrage" the "religious feelings" of Muslims.
Sounds as fanatically hypersensitive to Nazi Muslim feelings as the Bolsheviks in Israel who detained and later unjustly deported me for an article of mine, published in Jerusalem and read throughout Israel (and now the world), that not only exposed the German-Vatican plot to occupy Jerusalem but called upon the Israeli authorities to reclaim and restore the Temple Mount as the Temple Mount.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Re: "I don't hate all black people"(YouTube video by David Ben-Ariel)
I received this email from a former Kibbutz Sdot Yam volunteer:
It was wonderful to see you on You Tube. I like people who take a stand for what they believe in, and can still agree to disagree. David, please smile in your next video. Let people see that sparkle in you that I loved so much. When was the last time you were in Israel, and do you plan to return?
I was SO nervous! It was my first, so hopefully I will relax and appear more natural. Thanks for your constructive criticism.
From the first time I met you I knew you were a people person. You were born to be in front of a crowd, right or wrong you would make your point, and make us laugh. Keep up the good work, I look forward to more videos.
And I received this from an Israeli friend:
How are you my friend?
It is good to hear from you and we wish you all the best always. You did look a bit nervous but I doubt I would be be in any better shape under camera.
Pay no attention to those that attack you. Others were also attacked for presenting the truth before, and until Mochiach returns that will remain so.
G.d bless,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Kibbutz Sdot Yam
Quote from: a fly on the wall
David Ben-Ariel,
I just wanted to let you know that when I clicked on one of your links a while back, I noticed that you had spent some time on kibbutz Sdot Yam in Israel.
Well, I lived there for 7 months back in 1975, which was before you were there.
Yes, I spent over three months at Kibbutz Sdot Yam in a work-study program - beautiful place, eh?
I was also a volunteer at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan
Kibbutz Reshafim
Kibbutz Dan
Kibbutz Adamit
Kibbutz Ha'On
Kibbutz Regavim
Kibbutz Shoval
and one moshav, Moshav Kfar Haim -
fulfilling my God-driven purpose to live throughout the Promised Land of Israel and really get to know it and the People well.
When you were there, did you know an Israeli lady named Rina Cline, who lived on the kibbutz?I have often wondered whatever happened with her.
She was my Hebrew teacher while I was there
I don't remember. Maybe I knew her. My Hebrew teacher was a younger Israeli named Yisraela. We joked we were "Yisraelites" who were in her class. I have pictures of her at my blogs.
Herbert W. Armstrong right about Churchianity!
Herbert W. Armstrong exposed TRADITIONAL Christianity for years!
'1st century believers would have never accepted this'
Herbert W. Armstrong, for over 50 years, was a lone voice in the wilderness crying aloud and sparing not about the baptized paganism of TRADITIONAL Christianity.
Herbert W. Armstrong was a God-send to restore long lost truths; he stood against traditional Christianity's error and taught the plain truth of the Bible; restored our Hebrew roots; warned world leaders about a German-dominated European Union and offered the hope and comfort of Christ's return to save us from its nuclear holocaust; Herbert W. Armstrong died January 16, 1986, full of faith and wisdom, leaving a lasting impression on those who continue the quest for God's Kingdom.
Today Beyond Babylon fulfills the need to proclaim the gospel of the Kingdom of God while emphasizing a warning to the world; it includes the truth about our Hebrew roots and biblical responsibilities; about God's Sabbath and Holy Days versus Satan's Sunday and pagan holidays like Christmas and Easter; about Israel's demise and Europe's rise -- these are foundational truths.
Beyond Babylon builds upon that sure foundation by pointing out that it's the sorcerer-pope, the false prophet, who presents Europe's imminent leader as the Savior of "Christian Western Civilization;" he'll perform miracles in his presence urging Europe to remodel themselves after the "Holy Roman Empire" (Rev. 13:14). Together they'll create a counterfeit Kingdom of God.
Beyond Babylon also explains -- FOR THE FIRST TIME -- why there are two witnesses, what their mission and purpose is, why they're stationed in Jerusalem and how they fulfill the Elijah role.

Saturday, February 07, 2009
Tuesday, February 03, 2009
Monday, February 02, 2009
Green hills of the Golan missed
Former Kibbutz Dan volunteer writes:
Hi Mr. Ariel.
In 1989-90 I spent almost a year on Kibbutz Dan. I hadn't really researched it on the internet and decided to type it in and see what came up. Interestingly enough a reference to your web site, Life is a Trek. I can't tell you what a smile it brought to my face to look at those pictures twenty years later. I remember having meals in the dining room and working in the plastics factory. You even included a photo of one of the volunteer apartments my girlfriend lived in (darn near married her!) Those were great days and great memories for me. I still miss the green hills of the Golan and those clear spring brooks. Someday I'll return for a visit. I hope it affected you the same way.
My, you certainly are prolific in your blogging. From time to time I'll look in and see your take on things.
Nelson David Sack