Monday, May 22, 2006

ATHENS - View of Acropolis

Postcard to American friends Marian & Leo
Aug. 23. '90

Shalom! (in Hebrew)
Thank G-d ONE DAY
there will be shalom throughout the
universe in spite of our human failings.
Yes, we're alive & well in Israel, living
in defiance of "wars & rumors of wars." May
G-d continue to frustrate the purpose of the
pagans & cure or at least contain their
insanity! Tonight, under Israel's untold stars,
we enjoyed a bonfire, complete with a mini-
divided "United Nations" discussions, debates &
arguments over politics & religion - since we're from
all over, followed by guitar and song - with the
jackals mournful howls in the background, down
in the valley. We're on Lebanon's border, perched
high up on a mtn. near Shelomi. It's beautiful
here! Excuse the Greek card. I spent 4 nights
in Frankfurt, 2 nights on a bus to Greece, 4 nights
in Athens & 3 nights sailing
to Israel, stopping in Rhodes
& Cyprus. I'm at Kibbutz Adamit, 22875 Israel.
Shalom, David (signed in Hebrew)