Sunday, May 14, 2006

Gallery card/Sam Maxwell #322298

Black & white postcard/hot man with bandana, no shirt, hands raised in a karate poise?

To "Stella" - Steve

Feb. 10, '92
Queen! I shouldn't be writing you a word
since you haven't once dropped me a line! I'll
slap you soon - I've been back in Israel for
almost 2 wks. & I'm bored, lonely & cold! It's
hard to "slow down" after going so fast &
being the new kid on the block everywhere I've
gone has been great for my ego, but now I'm
hibernating indoors like everyone else. Our
mountains got snow on 'em yesterday & it
sure looks pretty & the Sea of Galilee is
full again - but I miss S. Africa's summer
weather!!! I'm here until March 24th, then I
fly to London for 1 wk & then I'm off to the
States March 31st - so get ready for the
Blond Bombers arrival! Ha! My very first
night back I had 2 "dates," as well as this
last Fri. evenin' - not bad for just having
returned, eh? I called mom this last Fri. night
also to tell her my plans. I've just finished
Danielle Steel's book Fine Things - very good - &
I'm reading The March of Folly now. Have to do
somethin' other than sleep & write 50,000 cards &
letters. Sit down & write me back now!
Love & tenderness, Ha!
David Kibbutz Ha'On 1500 Israel P.S. Shalom to Doris!