Saturday, May 20, 2006


Postcard to Mom and Lisa
Interest Map of Zimbabwe

Jan. 24, '92
Happy Birthday Elizabeth!
Thinking of you here in
Zimbabwe. I'm in the farthest
N.E. visiting the magnificent Victoria
Falls. I hitched from S. Afrika to
the border town of Beitbridge &
hitched to Bulawayo (2 days time) &
then took a 15 hrs. train ride here. On
the train I met up with 3 people I
met 2 wks. ago in George, S.A., including
the English girl who bunji jumped with us.
We're renting a place together tonight. We counted around 5 rainbows
in the Falls - they're unbelievable - & got drenched by the mist -
just like rain.
P.S. I've seen so many baboons & monkeys!
Love yas, David