Saturday, May 20, 2006

Garden Route/Cape Province

Rugged Coastline Moods of the Cape Cape Gallery
Typical scenery of cliffs meeting ocean - between Storms River Mouth
and Plettenberg Bay

Jan. 5, '92
Dear Mom & Lisa,
Since saying goodbye to wonderful Cape Town,
Debbie & Celeste - I hitched this last
Sun. & my 3rd ride picked me up near the
Somerset West exit & I've been w/him ever
since. His name's James & he's from London &
he's happening to go so far everywhere I've
watned to: we've visited the southernmost
tip of Afrika, seen Cango Caves, had a
baboon run across the road in front of us
& watched others climbing on the rocks!
The scenery continues to be out of this
world! We tanned all day yesterday on
Wilderness beach, spent 3 nights in George,
visited Kysna w/its lagoons today & walked
on a spectacular beach and we went
bunji jumping today! Off of a 200 ft.
high bridge. Scary!!! But I survived.
We also took pictures of ostriches on farms
here. Now we're spending the night in
Plettenberg Bay. I've been in S. Africa now
for a month.
Lots of love!