Letter to Dale & Steve
Dec. 9, 1989
Moshav Kfar Hayyim,
Israel/8:40 p.m.
Shalom! (written in Hebrew)
I'm listening to Rita as I write you.
She's a famous Israeli singer I love. I'll
send you some of her songs sometime - all of them
are in Hebrew but 1 or 2 albums, but you'd still like the tunes.
So far I've received all your mail & have appreciated your letters.
I about fell over dead when you wrote me Steve! Do it again -
it was great. I've written Eric in Columbus. Thanx for the
pictures. I really like them & so did everyone else. Donna
said to tell you both, again, she'd like to meet you since you both
seem so fun. If she didn't hate kids, wasn't for abortion, and was
Jewish, I told her I'd marry her. Michal's really in love,
I guess, with me. I was french-kissing her Friday night
when Donna, Ann & I hitched to Sdot Yam for a prearranged
redezvous with some Dutch girls we had studied with, also
with Celeste from S. Afrika. The "Dutch connection" just returned
from 3 sun-tanned wks. in Egypt. Donna & Ann go there for a
month next Monday. This Thursday is my last work day here,
then I spend the night at Sdot Yam with Mark (London). Friday
we go to Kibbutz Regavim to continue our Hebrew classes. I'm
actually anxious - thank God - to study again & only work part-time.
Donna & I are really going to miss each other. She plans on
coming to stay with me for a few days when she comes back
from Mitzraim (Egypt). She's either going then to some
moshav or kibbutz or back to London...
For several days last week, for some reason unknown, I
really missed Dean & wanted to be with him, but thankfully
the feeling has passed, besides I got rid of my trick
addresses awhile ago to help me remain spiritually sober
& celibate, which is pretty difficult sometimes, but worth
a noble try. Donna & I discuss how 1 night stands
are a damned lie, yet we also acknowledge the temporary
thrill of adventure, adrenalin & lustful excitement that's
so addicting, so alluring, for 1 more "fix"...
Donna notices guys really watching me down in the pub & agrees
with me that certain ones would have sex with me. But actually
I don't want to get distracted, drug down & out & bear the
heavy burden of guilt. Shame - Diana Ross... I can't believe I've
been gone from Amerika for almost 1/2 yr! It seems like I left
yesterday. Sometimes I miss the security of my own private apt.
but I'll have a home someday in Jerusalem with '150 babies'...ha!
I know I'd be bored in Toledo, that it'd seem like I had
never left, the same old song & dance, same tired crowd with their
exaggerated attitudes & sad looks in the "gay" bars, as
happy as the make-up the drag-queens cake on their confused
faces... Oh, well - point made. I know you understand.
At least in Israel - also imperfect - I continually meet new
people from all over the world, tour at least once a month & am
where I've chosen to be, dictating my own destiny, not just
being swept away by events beyond my control, because I've
taken control, besides being FREE in ISRAEL
is far better than being imprisoned in America for 6 months to
3 yrs! Such a scary thought! I wonder if Danny every
got out... Donna, Ann & I headed south to the desert,
next to Jordan's border & mountains but only enjoyed 2 nights
there under a full moon at Moshav Iddan because they
couldn't use us for only 1 month, so we went back to the
Moshav office in Tel Aviv & arranged to work for this most
friendly South African family. We're near Netanya, north of
Tel Aviv, just south of Sdot Yam (where we hitch to for
pub nights). Our only other volunteer is Bryn from New Zealand
who leaves to work in London next month - where there's alot
of illegal jobs available as waiters or bartenders in their many
pubs. I want a typewriter! I checked one out with
Donna in Netanya's mall last week that can write Hebrew
or English for $500. The other one with a word processor I
want is more. My Biblical chart PRIEST-KING - The Twin Pillars
of Israel is almost finished, then I need to pretty it up &
get it published - then I can concentrate on finishing my politico-religious book
The Grand Design. I also have a suggestion for a monument
for the living at Jerusalem's Yad V'Shem, expressing FAITH in GOD
& Hope for the Future, so you can leave depressing Yad V'Shem
with HOPE & not despair, FAITH & not fear. I feel it's an
inspired idea I'll submit soon. Hopefully one day you'll
see its dedication on TV. Don't be surprised when
I'm in the news, making news. Ha! Seriously...
Dale, we all agree short hair is most
becoming you.
Since I can't write everyone (Carla, Tony, etc.), Leslye, Bill
I hope they understand you can relay all info. about me since
you're "in the know." I have thought of them all.
We've had fun with Tonya & I remember getting "gullotized"
with Nurse & Carla at divine Ponderosa's. How good that sounds!
So far this week I've spent about $150 on food - like I planned, but
it's nothing, the food I've bought was just peanut butter, oatmeal, eggs,
pastries, Nescafe coffee, cheese, chocolate spread for bread - sounds sick
but everyone eats it on bread, now even me - Israelized. On a moshav you get paid, but buy your own food.
I feel so comfortable in Israel, it's almost just like living in
another state, not a different country since I'm so familiar with
the good, the bad & the ugly here. In spite of Israel's
many problems, & bullshit way of doing things, etc. I still
love this young, but ancient, country. The people need to learn
civil manners tho' & not be so crude - like too many of
them are & think nothing of it. Good manners are almost
considered a weakness here in this macho-military society.
Ramon's wife Ginger is supposed to have their child
any day now. Carl Brown wrote me last wk. so did
Mama Evans (whom I miss dearly). Yusuf's hurt I haven't
written yet, but I told Carl Yusuf can also write, but I'll send
my brother a postcard soon. I hope you like the picture
Donna took of me. I've made copies to send instead of
Hanukka cards since I happen to like it. I wasn't going to
let her take it originally. Imagine no Xmas lines, decorations,
snow. Such is Israel, except probably Nazareth & Bethlehem.
We're waiting for Hanukka. I hope to spend a few days in
Jerusalem for it. Well, write me at my new address.
Love ya's, David P.S.
(continued on the back of the page)
I was laughing telling Donna recently
about our Florida Death trip, death flight, death rays,
death pool, death march, death row, death drinks, etc.
Plus the "blackmail" death pictures
those guys from London took of
my ragged, lily-white, sinful self. uh-hum...
you know what I mean. Ha! help!
it's BED-TIME,
I need
a little
be the
30 soon!
Remember risking our lives
walking to buy a bottle, in Ft. Lauderdale,
walking past blacks
with rocks in our hands
and on our way there those
people in the car at the red-light
snorting something about prostitution/
Makes ya feel like Polyster...Persecuted!
(back of Air Mail envelope says: Careful photos enclosed
and gives Kibbutz Regavim as the address - must be where some of the loose pictures came from).
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Moshav Kfar Hayyim, Israel
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