The Royal We
For the record: Some might misunderstand that just because I used the term "WE" in one of the FOX 25 segments on the Philadelphia Church of God (and I often employ it in articles about the Church of God), that somehow I am saying I'm a part of the PCG or whatever organization I'm writing or talking about at the time.
However, when I use the "Royal We," it is in reference to the collective Sabbath-keeping Church of God that agrees on the biblical basics, like the gospel of the Kingdom of God (the Kingdom of God-Beings to rule Earth from Jerusalem!), the seventh day Sabbath, the holy festivals and dietary laws, as well as gladly recognizing British-Israelites as Joseph.
Others might question how I can feel led by Christ against an organization they believe He also heads. I am led by Christ to expose error and encourage repentance: both in the Church and Nation. Didn't Christ head the Worldwide Church of God? Didn't He direct it? Does that mean the leaders must always follow His lead? Or in all things? If Christ truly led the PCG (and I believe He leads but Flurry doesn't always follow), they would agree what I say is biblical and stop wasting money in Edmond, Oklahoma. Tithes are not meant for a performing Arts Center! At least Mr. Armstrong had a special building fund that I used to gladly contribute to so we could pay off Ambassador Auditorium.
Didn't Yeshua say, "we Jews" when speaking to the Samaritan woman at the well? Did that mean He agreed with everything the Jews believed or the Pharisees taught? Didn't Yeshua rebuke their errors, even as He rebukes the errors of the Church of God in different eras? How does He do that but through men? Didn't He head those churches He inspired constructive criticism of?
Did John the Baptist or Jesus, or Peter, James and John, as well as Paul, oppose the religious authorities' position or their idolatrous traditions and hypocrisy, decrying their proud and stubborn refusal to repent, while still considering themselves strictly Jewish? They continued to identify with the Jewish people and religion: Paul continued to refer to himself as a Pharisee spiritually (Acts 23:6), and Peter made racial reference to the "God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, the God of our fathers..." and called the Jews "brothers" and stressed how salvation was to begin with Jews first (Acts 3:12, 17, 26).
I do offer constructive criticism of the PCG, and others, and I believe God has inspired Beyond Babylon. The PCG never said it contradicts Scripture but wouldn't give it a proper hearing due to politics at play. Beyond Babylon's biblical truths are inspired and inspiring, although it's not a "thus saith the Lord" book, as there is no book on Earth other than the Bible that can honestly claim that. Unlike Gerald Flurry, I've never claimed an angel gave it to me, as he strangely claimed about Malachi's Message.
By the grace of God, I know who I am and what I am doing, and it is in accordance with the Word and Will of God. Whether within individual lives or the lives of leaders of organizations, just because God directs doesn't mean folks will always follow in every aspect. I believe Flurry follows in some ways and fails to in other ways. That's why God raises up individuals throughout history to take His Work to task - whether it's the priesthood, the religious authorities or the Church of God leadership today. Nothing new under the sun.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Kibbutz pictures reacquaint friends
Kibbutz pictures reacquaint friends
I'm very happy to have already received a few responses from my fellow kibbutz volunteers, due to pictures I've posted. :-)
So far I've managed to post pictures from:
Kibbutz Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert
Kibbutz Adamit photos
Pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers!
Kibbutz Regavim
Moshav Kfar Haim
Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
Ramat Yohanan
From Ramat Yohanan:
This was a wonderful time in my our lives. I remember Ilan. I remember us & that Dutch guy we accidently on purpose walked into Lebanon :D
I also have many lovely photos I'm eager to share & will share as soon as I am able.
Our friendship was/is a gift. I'm so glad to have reconnected w/u. I'm tempted to say next year in Jerusalem or NY.
...Shelia emailed me the next day about the photos u posted. Did she contact u? One of the photos u have of me wearing a shirt w/a balloon on it & I'm not looking directly into the camera is very special would u mind sending it to me. Please I totally love it I may even make it into poster size. Please please send it. Thanks in advance :)
Gwen Anne Strum
Jamaica, NY

From Sdot Yam:
Hello David,
I have been getting nostalgic in the past year and usually google Sdot-Yam. I see your name everywhere and I just smile. I loved seeing the pictures, and just remembering that part of my life does me good. I have been in search of Anja Zerwas for many years now, just seeing her picture on your website has renewed some hope that I may still find her. I miss Donna as well, she was always good to talk with when things were rather dismal, do you hear from her at all?
There is a website called, it's for volunteers and ulpan students. I was surprised not to see your name and story on the list. I saw the picture you had of me on top of Masada with the machine gun, I have that picture on my fridge.
... the pictures are fantastic. Thank you David, there is something very comforting about looking at old photos...
I have to say what shocked me most about you was your brilliant writing ability, and here I thought you were just another pretty face. I had no idea you are such a deep thinker. I look forward to getting out to the bookstore and buying it.
Would love to hear from you again,
Veronica Pierce
I'm very happy to have already received a few responses from my fellow kibbutz volunteers, due to pictures I've posted. :-)
So far I've managed to post pictures from:
Kibbutz Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert
Kibbutz Adamit photos
Pictures of Kibbutz Reshafim volunteers!
Kibbutz Regavim
Moshav Kfar Haim
Waves of Memories of Sdot Yam
Ramat Yohanan
From Ramat Yohanan:
This was a wonderful time in my our lives. I remember Ilan. I remember us & that Dutch guy we accidently on purpose walked into Lebanon :D
I also have many lovely photos I'm eager to share & will share as soon as I am able.
Our friendship was/is a gift. I'm so glad to have reconnected w/u. I'm tempted to say next year in Jerusalem or NY.
...Shelia emailed me the next day about the photos u posted. Did she contact u? One of the photos u have of me wearing a shirt w/a balloon on it & I'm not looking directly into the camera is very special would u mind sending it to me. Please I totally love it I may even make it into poster size. Please please send it. Thanks in advance :)
Gwen Anne Strum
Jamaica, NY

From Sdot Yam:
Hello David,
I have been getting nostalgic in the past year and usually google Sdot-Yam. I see your name everywhere and I just smile. I loved seeing the pictures, and just remembering that part of my life does me good. I have been in search of Anja Zerwas for many years now, just seeing her picture on your website has renewed some hope that I may still find her. I miss Donna as well, she was always good to talk with when things were rather dismal, do you hear from her at all?
There is a website called, it's for volunteers and ulpan students. I was surprised not to see your name and story on the list. I saw the picture you had of me on top of Masada with the machine gun, I have that picture on my fridge.
... the pictures are fantastic. Thank you David, there is something very comforting about looking at old photos...
I have to say what shocked me most about you was your brilliant writing ability, and here I thought you were just another pretty face. I had no idea you are such a deep thinker. I look forward to getting out to the bookstore and buying it.
Would love to hear from you again,
Veronica Pierce

Friday, December 19, 2008
Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?
Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America?
I've always done what I could over the years, with what I've got, to help warn our beloved peoples about the German threat to world peace. Whether by ads or articles or letters to the Editor of newspapers and magazines, since every little bit helps with God's blessing upon it, I do my best to warn the world.
While doing what I can to help warn the world, I've always encouraged the Sabbath-keeping Church of God to do more, to go public and step away from behind the podium (preaching to the choir), to get the Word out and let our God-given message become a household word, known and debated and discussed everywhere. Our God-given message must reach those high and low, rich and poor, regardless of race or religion or we will have failed our God-given mission.
The Greater Toledo, Ohio area has received the lion's share of my efforts, since that's where I'm from, although I've also reached out to Judea, Jerusalem, New York and elsewhere.
This ad (shown below) - Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America? - appeared several times in The Press newspaper, and a similar ad appeared twice in the AutoTrader (talk about taking it to the streets, reaching the general public!). I've also had a full-page ad in The Toledo City Paper warning about EUROPE'S NEW CRUSADE: "PEACE" FOR THE MIDDLE EAST.
I trust free publicity will offer greater opportunities, and God knows, by His grace, I'll walk through every open door to expand His Work. Your prayers are appreciated.
I've always done what I could over the years, with what I've got, to help warn our beloved peoples about the German threat to world peace. Whether by ads or articles or letters to the Editor of newspapers and magazines, since every little bit helps with God's blessing upon it, I do my best to warn the world.
While doing what I can to help warn the world, I've always encouraged the Sabbath-keeping Church of God to do more, to go public and step away from behind the podium (preaching to the choir), to get the Word out and let our God-given message become a household word, known and debated and discussed everywhere. Our God-given message must reach those high and low, rich and poor, regardless of race or religion or we will have failed our God-given mission.
The Greater Toledo, Ohio area has received the lion's share of my efforts, since that's where I'm from, although I've also reached out to Judea, Jerusalem, New York and elsewhere.
This ad (shown below) - Will Germany Launch a Nuclear Attack on America? - appeared several times in The Press newspaper, and a similar ad appeared twice in the AutoTrader (talk about taking it to the streets, reaching the general public!). I've also had a full-page ad in The Toledo City Paper warning about EUROPE'S NEW CRUSADE: "PEACE" FOR THE MIDDLE EAST.
I trust free publicity will offer greater opportunities, and God knows, by His grace, I'll walk through every open door to expand His Work. Your prayers are appreciated.
Kibbutz Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert
John and I lived at Kibbutz Adamit, then Kibbutz Shoval in late 1990, and were living at Kibbutz Dan when Operation Desert Storm blew in.
A few honorable mentions of Kibbutz Shoval in my writings:
"I was living at Kibbutz Shoval in Israel’s Negev desert, beautifying the grounds, when I heard that [Meir Kahane] had been murdered in New York by another Arab terrorist. When his funeral took place in Jerusalem, I was honored to attend with tens of thousands of others to show solidarity with what he boldly taught— and as a blond, stood out in the Black Sea of Haredim on TV."
–excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe’s Rise and Fall - Chapter 3 - TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES
"Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert, just north of Be'er Sheva..."
- God-given love for Jews
I remember when we stayed at Shoval, how rumors of war with Iraq had us concerned, and how this older kibbutznik man said, "There won't be war. The Iraqis know we're not like the Americans," implying the Israelis would hit back hard and fast. I thought of him later when we lived at Kibbutz Dan and war did break out and we were all huddled in our "sealed rooms" whenever the sirens went off, warning about incoming Scud missiles, taking shelter until the "all clear" was sounded (which we usually heard on the radio from the BBC first!).
We mentioned our concerns to the volunteer leader at Shoval, and she said something like, "If you're really worried about it, we can get you a gas mask" - with the tone that we were bothering her. After all, there had been notices in The Jerusalem Post about the Israelis obtaining their gas masks in case of war.
Here are a few pictures of Kibbutz Shoval volunteers, John's birthday, kibbutzniks, new Russian immigrants (from Tashkent, who gave me a traditional hat worn there), Ashdod, museum/former mosque in Beersheva, couple of Jerusalem, our volunteer trip to Ein Gedi (with Arugot Nahal waterfalls and Ibex) and the Dead Sea. Enjoy!

A few honorable mentions of Kibbutz Shoval in my writings:
"I was living at Kibbutz Shoval in Israel’s Negev desert, beautifying the grounds, when I heard that [Meir Kahane] had been murdered in New York by another Arab terrorist. When his funeral took place in Jerusalem, I was honored to attend with tens of thousands of others to show solidarity with what he boldly taught— and as a blond, stood out in the Black Sea of Haredim on TV."
–excerpt from Beyond Babylon: Europe’s Rise and Fall - Chapter 3 - TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCES
"Shoval, a rose in the Negev desert, just north of Be'er Sheva..."
- God-given love for Jews
I remember when we stayed at Shoval, how rumors of war with Iraq had us concerned, and how this older kibbutznik man said, "There won't be war. The Iraqis know we're not like the Americans," implying the Israelis would hit back hard and fast. I thought of him later when we lived at Kibbutz Dan and war did break out and we were all huddled in our "sealed rooms" whenever the sirens went off, warning about incoming Scud missiles, taking shelter until the "all clear" was sounded (which we usually heard on the radio from the BBC first!).
We mentioned our concerns to the volunteer leader at Shoval, and she said something like, "If you're really worried about it, we can get you a gas mask" - with the tone that we were bothering her. After all, there had been notices in The Jerusalem Post about the Israelis obtaining their gas masks in case of war.
Here are a few pictures of Kibbutz Shoval volunteers, John's birthday, kibbutzniks, new Russian immigrants (from Tashkent, who gave me a traditional hat worn there), Ashdod, museum/former mosque in Beersheva, couple of Jerusalem, our volunteer trip to Ein Gedi (with Arugot Nahal waterfalls and Ibex) and the Dead Sea. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
A German-led Europe will strike nuclear terror against US! National destruction, defeat and deportation are on the way! The American, British and Jewish peoples are marked for death!
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
Beyond Babylon drops the bomb!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan
After celebrating the Feast of Tabernacles with the Worldwide Church of God in Jerusalem, in 1982, I continued on to serve as a volunteer at Kibbutz Ramat Yohanan near Haifa in Northern Israel. Ramat Yohanan was the beginning of my kibbutz volunteer service, that ultimately included 8 kibbutzim, a moshav and precious months in Jerusalem! It was at Ramat Yohanan that I met Miriam Weiss, who "adopted" me and became my "kibbutz mother."
The following are pictures of my fellow kibbutz volunteers from Scotland, England, Sweden, France, Germany, the United States, Australia, the Netherlands, etc. at Ramat Yohanan, and on a trip to the Golan Heights, Akko, Rosh Hanikra; a few pictures of Worldwide Church of God member Simcha Gombo and her daughter, Michal, who lived nearby in Kiryat Ata, as well as pictures of Ilan Itzhayek and family (his mother baked a birthday cake for my 33rd birthday) from Kiryat Ata; pictures of Ilan and I in Jerusalem for Hanukkah (where I met Yitzhak Rabin), where, as *David Hoover, I was able to write the preliminary introduction to America Warned! - on the Temple Mount - that has since been published as Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, as well as a picture of Ambassador College graduate Sylvia Owens, during a visit to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, and Jerusalem's Liberty Bell Park that includes The Children's Playground sponsored by the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation.
Additional reading:
Israel Work History (Worldwide Church of God)
Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
*My name was David Hoover, but I legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel in 1989, as I testify in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.

The following are pictures of my fellow kibbutz volunteers from Scotland, England, Sweden, France, Germany, the United States, Australia, the Netherlands, etc. at Ramat Yohanan, and on a trip to the Golan Heights, Akko, Rosh Hanikra; a few pictures of Worldwide Church of God member Simcha Gombo and her daughter, Michal, who lived nearby in Kiryat Ata, as well as pictures of Ilan Itzhayek and family (his mother baked a birthday cake for my 33rd birthday) from Kiryat Ata; pictures of Ilan and I in Jerusalem for Hanukkah (where I met Yitzhak Rabin), where, as *David Hoover, I was able to write the preliminary introduction to America Warned! - on the Temple Mount - that has since been published as Beyond Babylon: Europe's Rise and Fall, as well as a picture of Ambassador College graduate Sylvia Owens, during a visit to the Jerusalem Biblical Zoo, and Jerusalem's Liberty Bell Park that includes The Children's Playground sponsored by the Ambassador International Cultural Foundation.
Additional reading:
Israel Work History (Worldwide Church of God)
Herbert W. Armstrong and the Worldwide Church of God Mentioned in Israeli Newspaper
*My name was David Hoover, but I legally changed it to David Ben-Ariel in 1989, as I testify in God-given Names and From Toledo to Jerusalem.

ilan itzhayek,
ramat yohanan,
worldwide church god
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