Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Kibbutz Dan just before Gulf War

Letter to Steve at his mother's

Jan. 13, 1991

We've moved from the south to Northernmost Israel - in between Syria and Lebanon. The last few days have been scary because we've been talked to about the situation, showed our bomb shelter, instructed about sealing off a room with plastic & sheets & such against chemical warfare & we're supposed to get our gas masks today. Our greatest threat here would probably be Syria if they turned against Israel. We're 1 hr. from their border. We spent last night & today "preparing" our rooms. Why can't we live in peace? Iraq against the world - God save us all from ourselves! John's on the phone to the States now - I told him to leave, better safe than sorry... Where to hide? What to do? May I live to see you around Feb. or March.
Love ya!
Shalom to Doris & Benny too!

(signature also written in Hebrew)
I'm a young 31 now...