Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Wonderful Swedes in Jerusalem

Aerogramme to Steve from Sdot Yam
Aug. 8, 1989
Sdot Yam,
Queen! So hows Stella Mae? I've just finished playing hostess - offering tea to my kibbutz neighbors - 2 girls from S. Africa & one from Brazil. My roommate is Sandor (Alexander) from Hungary. He's nice but hard to understand (his English sometimes). Now someone else just moved in with us from Calif. named Graham. He brought his guitar. This kibbutz is beautiful. We're located right on the beach. We're also next to a famous Roman amphitheatre in Ceasarea I visited 9 yrs. ago & yesterday w/Alex. I'm sitting outside my room writing this in the shade because our room is an oven. It's about 5:15 p.m. This morning was my first Kibbutz job here - at 3:00 a.m. in the morning. I had to help grab 2 chickens (1 of their legs each) in both hands & carry them upside down squawking & fluttering to a metal bin we put them in. Never again! Easy, but disgusting. Then I worked outdoors spraying herbicide on rows of Avocado trees. I'm tan now, but still got too much sun today on top of swimming in the Sea twice yesterday. Before I arrived at this Kibbutz I spent a fabulous week in Jerusalem at a youth hostel where I met the most wonderful Swedes - Magnus, Soren and Jerker. I was their "tour guide" of Jerusalem & showed them all around, including places they wouldn't of seen otherwise. They had a rented car so it was grand. We walked through Hezekiah's Tunnel together, Mt. of Olives, the Wall, etc. We went to The Underground "bar" for 5 nights straight. Several times they bought me food & alcohol since they couldn't of had a "better" tour guide they said. A pretty girl from Toronto was with us also - Kristina - & another guy from Argentina - Diego. I practically cried when they left - they all gave me hugs good bye...I have the Swedes address...Plus at the hostel I hung w/several wild & crazy Jewish guys from Vancouver. I especially liked Steve... - only 21. The owner liked me so much he loaned me 15 shekelim ($8.00) to get to the Kibbutz since I was broke. Plus he said I could work him whenever I wanted. I also took free Jewish tours of the Moslem & Jewish quarters of Jerusalem w/a bunch of Jews. I'll probably only be here for 3 or 4 months, since they don't offer the next Hebrew level course I want. I need to write Mom also but sometimes it's difficult repeating myself. Tonight we open the "pub" & drink beer & dance. Also Friday. Thankfully I have my personal supply of vodka to insure my intoxication since they only serve beer... I tripped out today because some English guy today was wearing a Ft. Lauderdale, Summer's Bar T shirt! A friend gave it to him. I especially like a guy here from India... He's got olive skin, not dark, & beautiful brown eyes & the cutest grin... He'll drink w/me tonight. His roommate is Shawn from Canada. They live in the volunteer's section which they call "Mexico City" compared to us Ulpan (Hebrew students) peoples place they call "Beverly Hills". Ha! Ciao for now. It's supper.