Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Poems from Kibbutz Regavim

Letter and poems written on stationery from Kibbutz Regavim to Steve & Dale, enclosed with a lock of my sun bleached hair
March 20, 1990
Dear Stella & Della, Shalom! (shalom also written in Hebrew)
I'm tired but want to keep awake to watch "Twins" tonight. My Dutch fling - Maarten - left for 2 days in Jerusalem. I miss him - unfortunately - already. (It's funny I'm thinking in Hebrew, but writing in English). Our ulpan ends this week & there's a party tomorrow - plus we receive certificates of completion. I feel sort of depressed that I may never see Maarten again after next week - 'cause we're all leaving to other Kibbutzim or countries - tho' I know the first good-looking guy who comes my will cause me to say "Maarten who?" Maarten's confused - he says he's not gay, but...  I'll be moving next week. This Sabbath we go to Masada & The Dead Sea & Ein Gedi - 4 or 5 hrs. south of here. Last Friday there was a huge PURIM party here (Jewish festival recorded in the Biblical book of Esther), but I hitched to Ramat Yohanan to be with Miriam who's suffering from depression, while there I met another "son" of hers - also American - who says I'll always have a place to stay for the next yr. he's in Jerusalem. Donna moved a week & 1/2 ago to the Jordan Valley - so called occupied West Bank on Jordan's border, near Mt. Gilboa, so I think that's also where I'm going. It's Kibbutz RESHAFIM. Mom's supposed to send me some money, then I'll send Dale his camel I bought. I also asked her to help with the phone bill. Following are some poems I wrote prompted by Maarten...
Love ya,
David (signature in Hebrew)
I dreamt of Bob last night. Plus my hair is cut short now.

Staring into your Eyes
As you mingle with The Crowd -
Noticing me
Standing near you
You turn and smile,
Touching me
With unspoken words -
Such a gentle feeling -
Something special
Between us
Giving our Lives
Feb. 17, '90

There you were
Standing Silent in the Moonlight
You thought throughout the Night
Then you Turned
And saw me with quiet tears
You came near
And embraced all my fears
Then we kissed
And eternity slipped away
Such soft whispers
Everything I had to say
You understand
And grew stronger still -
I love you
And I always will
March '90
(wrote this sitting beside Maarten as he played his guitar)

Passion & Pain
I tell myself
I don't love you anymore
But deep down inside
I know it's a lie,
And go against
Everything I believe
When I continue
To see you
And know your deceit -
You hurt me more
Then you could know
But I play strong
And struggle not to let it show
But I know that
I've got to go -
Because I can't stand
Being in love with you
When you're in love
With another man...
Feb. 20, '90