Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Sdot Yam - Getting ready for our trip

Aerogramme to Steve from Kibbutz Sdot Yam
Sept. 12, '89
7:45 p.m.
Queen! Why haven't YOU written? I know you hate to but still you can anyway. Try it! I wasn't going to write you again until I heard from you. I've just come back from the Dining Room (Chadar Ochel). Tonight our pub is open but they only have beer. Last Friday I was so desperate to drink I drank 5 beers there - ha! We had class today & discussed some history of where we're going on our trip tomorrow - The Golan Heights near Jordan, Syria & Lebanon. Last week some terrorists killed 2 Israeli soldiers near there. We always have at least 2 armed soldiers with us, probably more tomorrow. We'll also stop & swim in the Sea of Galilee. Tell your mother hi please. Thankfully some Germany girl - Anyia (who hates Germany) went to town yesterday & bought about 6 bottles of vodka. She was nice & let me buy one from her tonight since for some stupid reason Israeli stores are closed on Tuesday afternoons. Alex (from Hungary) & I walked to Caesarea (1/2 hr. away) to buy vodka but they were closed. I thought of you as I walked thinking you'd think "how typical of David to be on his way - even in Israel, to buy booze"... We have 2 new Americans here now. There's this guy from London... but he really is totally straight... But he always comes around & says he really likes me as a person. I was depressed a few days ago, so at night I sat for 1/2 hr on the rocks on the beach, remembering our fun in Florida, Mom, Lisa & me in Europe, Kevin Kottke - the stars & surf were somewhat soothing to my "restless soul"...