Thursday, May 11, 2006

Kibbutz Dan during Operation Desert Storm

Aerogramme from Israel

January 22, 1991
Kibbutz Dan,
10:25 pm.

Shalom Steve,
Like shit there's "shalom"
here! We've just gone through
another alert. Actually it was
around 8:45 because we were
watching the Cosby show way up near the
Dining Room when the alert came on TV.
The assholes stood up & then stayed put
saying "maybe it's just a false alarm." I
said, "Maybe it's not!" And with John & a
few others, started running (with our gas masks
we have to carry around everywhere) to our
room. We heard the sirens start in the
distance & then ours finally came on.
Then everyone came running. I'm in a
bitchy mood because if they want to fuck
with their lives that's their prerogative,
but I don't want John & I - who've followed
all precautions - to die because of their
stupidity! They're supposed to be (3 of them)
in our prepared room & then John & I have
to quickly (wearing our masks) tape up the
door with the nylon plastic & also the
entrance into our bedroom. Every second
we wait for them we wait for gas or
bombs! We also just got T shirts
tonight that read: Iraq Attack - Life is a Gas.
I think they're premature. Plus if even one
person dies, they're in bad taste & insensitive.
Hopefully this will all "blow ever," our nerves will
settle & I'll see you - in an excellent mood -
in America soon!
Love ya,