Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Treasure Falls, CO

Treasure Falls, CO
335 x 500 - 151k
... a section of Treasure Falls, CO.
500 x 334 - 138k

Treasure falls takes its name from Treasure Mountain. This area is rich in folklore and old stories of a large buried treasure somewhere on the mountain. Most accounts suggest that a fabulous treasure in gold was buried in the area after a group of Frenchmen were "waylaid" by either the Spanish or Indians. Whatever the circumstances, Treasure Falls offers the visitor a breathtaking treasure of scenery.

The falls can be seen by driving east on U.S. Hwy. 160 approximately 15.0 miles from the San Juan river bridge on the east side of Pagosa Springs. Along the highway there is a large parking area with a well maintained trail leading to the base of the falls. The walk up to the falls can be seen from the highway and there is a good opportunity to take photographs from the highway as well as from the overlook bridge at the base of the falls.

Directions from Pagosa Springs, Colorado: The falls can be seen by driving east on U.S. Hwy 160 approximately 15.0 miles from the San Juan river bridge on the east side of Pagosa Springs.

Seasonal Information:
Normally Accessible: Year-round.

Treasure Falls on the west side of ...
400 x 300 - 36k - jpg

Treasure Falls in Pagosa Springs, ...
180 x 240 - 11k - jpg