Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Washita Battlefield National Historic Site (U.S. National Park Service)

Operating Hours & Seasons
Fees & Reservations
Centennial Initiative 2016
The site protects and interprets the setting along the Washita River where Lt. Col. George A. Custer led the 7th U.S. Cavalry on a surprise dawn attack against the Southern Cheyenne village of Peace Chief Black Kettle on November 27, 1868. The attack was an important event in the tragic clash of cultures of the Indian Wars era.

New Park Visitor Center
Come see our new visitor center and learn more about the clash of cultures between the U.S. Army and the Southern Cheyenne in 1868.

A Message from Superintendent Wendy Lauritzen
Dear Friend:
I am writing to inform you of the status of park operations, upcoming special activities and enhanced programs at Washita Battlefield National Historic Site. As many of you know, we held our “Ribbon Cutting for the Grand Opening” of the visitor center on April 20, 2007. more...

History Day News
Click Here to view a slideshow from the History Day activities on Saturday, November 17, 2007.
Washita Battlefield NHS News ReleasePark Announces History Day Schedule for Saturday, November 17 Activities at New Visitor CenterClick "more..." to read entire press release.more...

Write toRt.1 Box 55a Cheyenne, Oklahoma 73628
E-mail Us
PhoneHeadquarters(580) 497-2742
Fax(580) 497-2712
ClimateThe Historic Site has a continental climate characterized by cool winters and hot summers with large variations from day to day. Annual precipitation is approximately 23 inches. Strong winds accompany the passages of cold fronts. Temperatures can be anywhere from less than 0°F in the winter and highs are capable of reaching more than 100°F in the summer months. Elevation is approximately 2,000 feet. Humidity can be high. We suggest bringing clothes for any occasion.

Did You Know?Washita Battlefield National Historic Site is building a new Cultural Heritage Center. Here, the late fall sun